Public transport is seen as an alternative to the car and therefore as a way to reduce pollution from car traffic. Indeed, trains, trams and buses are cleaner than cars. But will people leave their cars because of better and… Read More
Europe imports 88% of the oil it uses, mainly from rather unstable regions. This paper gives an overview of the security and economic risks associated with our oil dependency. Large oil reserves in a country seem to be negatively correlated with democracy and justice. The list of top 10 countries with the largest proven oil reserves speaks for itself: three Arabic dictatorships, six countries is the top 25 corrupt countries (list of Transparancy International) and Canada being a positive exception. Political instability, corruption and even civil wars are common.
Reducing oil consumption – mainly used for transport – improves the resilience of Europe’s economy, creates jobs and reduces terrorism from oil rich regions. I wrote this paper in commission of the American NGO SAFE, Securing America’s Future Energy.
Download Oil Security Europe (2016)